About Us

About Company


From small residential installations to huge turnkey power plants, Broad Based Solar Technologies (Bb Solar.tech) provides a variety of solar options. Every assignment is a chance to deliver the exceptional solutions that distinguish our goods and services. We have incorporated the ground-breaking lithium-ion batteries, which are backed by reliable technology, as a dependable battery technology in the majority of our installations. You are eight times more competitive with lithium-ion batteries because they are known for having a quicker charge time and a longer life span. Whether you need a backup system or a primary power source, BB Solar.tech has the right option for you (UPS). Only inverter system parts from well-known international brands are sold by BBSolar.tech, and they all come with

Why Choose Us

Reason For Choosing Us

Flexible Payment Plan

Systems may need a large initial investment yet ultimately cost less than alternatives. Flexible funding has been set up.

Durable Products

All our accessories come with a sufficient warranty.

Warranty from 2 Years

Inverters and Batteries have 2 years warranties while solar panels have 5 years but have a lifespan of 25years

Working With The Best

Component Suppliers

Felicity solar
beebeejump solar
Simba solar Inverter
Eastman solar